The ‘Fight’ Over The Baby

When you have a baby, it’s inevitable that when you visit family there’ll be people fighting to hold, said baby.  No longer is it ‘how are you?’, it’s ‘let me have the baby’ or arms in a ‘hand her over’ position.  My husband and I have become secondary when we visit people now.  We don’t mind though, she should be enjoying her family.  We love seeing how happy having a new baby in the family makes everyone.  It is just a funny side effect of having a child (especially with the grandparents).

For our family, bringing Leia into the family meant bringing the first granddaughter into the family (on both sides).  My husband waited late in life to have children, so his parents never thought they would end up ever seeing any grand-babies from him.  It brings us so much pleasure to be able to provide that joy in their hearts.

My daughter is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Sometimes, it gets me emotional to think that one day she may provide us with grandchildren and I will get to experience the ‘fighting’ over the baby for myself.  I hope my husband and I are fortunate to be able to live long enough to see that happen one day.  Leia could choose not to have children of her own, and that is okay as well.  We want our daughter to make the choices that works best for her.

Before we had Leia, I didn’t realize that having her would bring so much joy to so many other people in our lives.  That was the added bonus of her being brought into this world.  When I got to see my sister-in-law hold Leia for the first time, it just melted my heart. That right there, is what life is all about. She never had any children of her own and now she has a wonderful nephew and neice that she gets to give all her love to. We’re so fortunate to get to experience and see that love for ourselves.

All our extended friends and family also ‘fight’ over who will get to hold the baby when she’s around. For now, I am just going to sit back and enjoy it while she can still provide that ‘gift’ to all of them.

Leia with her auntie (2018).

Babies are always cute, fun and worth the ‘fight’ (minus the poop explosions, dramatic crying and occasional disastrous spit ups)!  Am I right?  😉

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