What to Pack for Hospital When Giving Birth

During my pregnancy I researched this particular topic quite a bit.  I had no idea where to start.  I felt very overwhelmed.  After going through the experience, it shouldn’t have been that overwhelming.  With just a few tips and a well thought out plan, it is fairly easy to pack your hospital bag for having a baby. Continue reading “What to Pack for Hospital When Giving Birth”

We Survived Our First Weekend Getaway With an Infant

Honestly, Leia did soooooo much better than I could have ever imagined and hoped for. We left Friday and came back Sunday, so we had two overnight stays. I was worried being in an unknown environment might through her schedule off.

Daddy and Leia getting a nap while mommy pumped (2018).

Leia slept just as good as on the trip as she does at home. Yes, I’m one of those very fortunate (and blessed) moms whose baby sleeps through the night (at least right now – knock on wood). Oh, and daddy sleeps perfectly fine, every night, even when mommy is up pumping and feeding the baby.

Continue reading “We Survived Our First Weekend Getaway With an Infant”