What to Pack for Hospital When Giving Birth

During my pregnancy I researched this particular topic quite a bit.  I had no idea where to start.  I felt very overwhelmed.  After going through the experience, it shouldn’t have been that overwhelming.  With just a few tips and a well thought out plan, it is fairly easy to pack your hospital bag for having a baby. Continue reading “What to Pack for Hospital When Giving Birth”

My Birth Story – Leia

Every woman who has given birth has their own, unique birth story.  Here is mine.

During pregnancy, you have approximately 8-10 months to do a lot of thinking and do a lot of preparing.  If you are like me, you also do a lot of reading and researching.  You think through whether you will be having a boy or a girl, what their nursery will look like, what you’ll name them, how you will tell your friends and family, etc…  You also think through how you want you labor and delivery to go – who will be in the room with you, do you want an epidural, do you want to go completely natural, what if you end up needing a C-section, do you want to use a mirror to see the birth, etc…  For me, I was dead set that I was going to have a completely natural birth (as long as no complications presented itself).  TRUST ME, never plan on being dead set on anything when it comes to your birth plan.  Around 36 weeks, I ended up having to go to Labor and Delivery to monitor my baby when I was concerned of decreased movement.  That morning, a woman in the room next to me was giving birth ‘naturally’.  Let’s just say in that very moment, I decided I was going to have an epidural.  You had to hear her screams of pain — man oh man!

Continue reading “My Birth Story – Leia”