Gas Relief Tips for Newborns

We’ve all been there.  The dreaded pain, discomfort, crying and squirming caused by gas.  As a mother, especially a first time mother, it breaks your heart to watch your little one in so much pain.  A newborn’s digestive system isn’t fully regulated when they’re born and it can cause them to get bad gas and cramps.  Excessive crying, excessive air when feeding, etc… can also lead to additional gas issues.  Fortunately, there are some things you can do as parents, to help ease their pain.  Our daughter went through awful gas pain for the first 4-6 weeks of her life.

Please note, if you’re unsure if your baby is truly just gassy, always seek the advice of your pediatrician.  I am not a doctor, just a mommy.  Gassy babies could also actually be suffering from reflux, colic, constipation or something else.  Calling your pediatrician’s office would be best to make sure.  You could certainly try some of these tips in the meantime.

Once you know your baby is suffering from bad gas and cramping, there are a couple of techniques to try and help bring your baby some relief.

  1.  Try massaging the baby’s belly.
  2.  Try swaddling the baby tightly.
  3.  Try doing bicycle kicks (YouTube instructional video) – this one is usually a BIG help!
  4.  Try giving the baby a pacifier (the sucking motion can help relief some of the pain).
  5.  Try Little Remedies Gas Relief Drops (these usually help within a couple of minutes).
  6.  Try Gerber Soothe Baby Probiotic Drops.

A combination of these things will usually help provide relief to your little one.  You may find one or two techniques that work best for you and your babe.  We used a combination of these to find what worked best for us.

If you have any other suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments.  Let me know how these work on your sweet baby.

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