Marrying Into a Filipino Family

Growing up I always had this ‘image’ of what I thought the guy I would end up marrying would look like.  The man I ended up marrying didn’t fit any of those characteristics physically, but he sure did on all other aspects.  In life, we should never expect that we know what is best for us, but rather have faith that things will work out the way they were meant to.  Just trust your heart and gut and you can’t go wrong.

I am so happy he came into my life and we ended up getting married.  My husband, Patrick, was born in the Philippines.  He and his family moved to the United States when he was only 6 years old.  They’ve been here ever since.

Marrying into a Filipino family can be intimidating at first.  However, Filipinos are some of the, if not the, friendliest people you could ever meet.  I’ve had the pleasure of going to the Philippines (a couple of times) myself and I can vouch for that.  It is kind of ironic I ended up marrying a Filipino that had nothing to do with my trips over to his country.  Patrick’s family is so warm, friendly, kind, accepting, and excellent cooks.  Speaking of food, these people go out of their way to prepare and cook large feasts for numerous parties/events every year – and they don’t ever ask anyone to bring anything but themselves.  They are so inviting to all friends and family (and friends and family of friends and family).  Their parties can be overwhelming for me since I am not that outgoing, but I do love spending time with them.

I love my husband and I am so grateful to be a part of his family.  They treat me better than I could have ever expected.  Some people aren’t big ‘fans’ of their in-laws, but with me, that is just not the case.  I love mine!

If you’ve ever read “The 5 Love Languages” (which I highly suggest everyone does), the majority of everyone I’ve met in his family is the ‘acts of service’ love language.  They literately will do anything for pretty much anyone.  They love to help people and serve them.  I honestly think a lot of Filipinos would fall into this category.  They are just amazing people.  I couldn’t ask for a better family to be a part of.  They’ve helped me move (multiple times), paint and fix up my home (multiple homes), spread mulch in my flower beds, completely set up and cater our wedding, bring food after the baby was born, and the list just goes on and on.

Random comment – I am super jealous of the Filipino complexion.  They tan so easily.  I am so pale myself and burn so easily (we’re talking ghost to lobster in a matter of 30 minutes).  Hopefully my daughter takes after their complexion.

Tell me about the family you married into (or your long term relationship’s family) in the comments below.

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